Electric Pomato

Plan. Track. Record.

25 Minutes of Productivity

5 Minutes of Relaxing


Create a list of tasks that you would like to complete this session!

  1. First enter your name above to enter the Task List editor.
  2. Each task asks for a name, and the estimated Pomodoros that will be needed (1-5).
    • Don't know what a Pomodoro is? A Pomodoro is an aspect of the Pomodoro Technique. The technique pushes the user to work on tasks in 25 minute chunks (Pomodoro) with breaks between, and long breaks after 4 Pomodoros.
  3. Once you've finished making your tasks, start your session!

Returning user? The prompt above will allow you to resume a previous session or create a new one.


Keep track of your current and upcoming tasks with your TODO List!

  • Your current task will be displayed at the top of the timer at all times.
  • During breaks, you'll be able to checkoff the current task, and your next task will be displayed.
  • At the bottom of the screen you'll be able to check your TODO List, and completed tasks.
Not sure if you're on a task or a break?
  • A Green Tomato in the background means you're working on a task.
  • A Red Tomato in the background means you're on a break.


Compare the Expected to Actual Pomodoros at the end of your session!

  • At the end of your last task's break, you'll be prompted to either return to the home page, or view you session's stats.
  • This page will help you see how long your tasks took compared to how long you expected.
  • With this information, you can better time yourself and productivity next session!
Did a task take much longer than expected?
  • The Pomodoro Technique recommends splitting tasks into smaller, digestible chunks.
  • By design, we only allow up to 5 Pomodoros per task, to assist in breaking up tasks into easier to complete chunks.